Papo European Rose Chafer


All of Papo’s figurines are hand painted and highly detailed with a natural color-scheme that replicates the real animal, making the figure extremely realistic looking.

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SKU: 502900 Category: Brand:


Papo European Rose Chafer. A wonderful little figure with iridescent green and golden exoskeleton makes for a truly beautiful model. For the size of this little beetle a great amount of detail was paid to its tiny reproduction.
The aesthetic appeal of the Papo European Rose Chafer is simply stunning. The iridescent green and golden hues of its exoskeleton are beautifully captured, reflecting the insect’s mesmerizing colors in a remarkably lifelike manner. The attention to detail is remarkable, and it is clear that Papo has taken great care in replicating the intricate patterns and textures of the chafer’s exoskeleton.

The proportions are accurate, and the overall build feels solid and durable. The colors are vibrant and true to life, contributing to the overall visual appeal. The attention to detail extends beyond the exoskeleton, as even the legs and other appendages are meticulously designed, exhibiting the chafer’s natural anatomy.

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Manufacturer SKU50290